Playhousing: An Inclusive, Health-Oriented Residential Living Project

Partner: Justin McElderry

Why do spaces for play often exist separate from domestic life?

Playhousing unites two disparate environments, the house and the playground, into one experience. Thinking beyond pre-defined playscapes, we’re interested in how play might benefit multiple generations when integrated with contemporary ideas of domesticity.

5-Floor Adaptive-Reuse Model

How can materiality, form and design define playful, healthy living?


Living Room Scapes

Ground Floor Plan 1/4” =1’0”

“Play” Floor

How might we think beyond  an age and ability-defined, synthetic playscape?

Room Variations and Material Tests

Materiality allows for light to permeate through the building, blending the line between private and public space

4 Curves, 5 Flat Walls, 2-Bedroom Variation
3 Curves, 2 Flat Walls 2 Bedroom Variation

Opaque Materiality that creates texture, privacy and light effects

4 Curved Walls, 4 Flat Walls, 3 Bed, 2 Bath Variation

Section Drawing 1/4” =1’0”

Professor: Phu Hoang
CORE IV, Harvard GSD