Transparencies: Deconstructing Office Hierarchies Through Architecture
Architectural Design
Architectural Design
Integrate: Integration is the agenda for the third-semester architecture design studio. Architecture is fundamentally a part-to-whole problem, involving the complex integration of building components, systems, and processes into a synthetic whole. Structural systems, envelope design, and environmental and thermodynamic processes will be systematically addressed in the development of a single project during the course of the whole semester.
The building type consists of an office, requiring careful consideration of access and exchanges (circulatory, visual, and energy), between programs.
The building type consists of an office, requiring careful consideration of access and exchanges (circulatory, visual, and energy), between programs.
Transparencies: Layers of an Onion
I took this image of an onion to understand the visual effects of transparent materials- attempting to recreate this in my design.
The office is divided into ‘bubble’s that are different sizes due to their function. Programs that need the least amount of light and sound are towards the center of the building: with layers of transparency creating an opacity for these spaces. Outer layers receive most light & sounds from the environment (similar to the outer layer of the onion)
Building prototype in a site model
Mapping out how spaces are divided with transparency